We Offer ITT Barton & Cameron Gauge Repair!

After servicing all gauges are guaranteed to have accuracy equal to manufacturer’s original standard.
Save $$ By Repairing Your Old Liquid Level Gauges…
At Gage-it, we’re experts in the repair, calibration and certification of liquid level gauges. We offer a complete range of cleaning, repair and refurbishment services for all models of ITT Barton, Prime Measurement and Cameron liquid level gauges including:
- Series 224 & 227 Indicators
- Series 288 Indicators with Switches
- Series 200 & 291 Indicators
We can restore just about any gauge regardless of condition to its new or original condition. In addition, Gage-it offers a no-charge gauge evaluation prior to servicing.
After servicing all gauges are dead weight tested and calibrated and are guaranteed to have accuracy equal to the manufacturer’s originally stated standard. Calibration certificates, traceable to NIST can also be provided.